Let’s make some ice cream in a bag ! 🍨🌸😋 春休みイベント🍨🌸アイスクリームを作りました😋🥳


Let’s make some ice cream in a bag!



みんな上手にアイスクリームができました!クッキーやベリーなどでデコレーションを楽しみました。🍨 美味しいアイスクリーム完成‼️




The ice cream from our event was a big success!!! We added toppings such as blueberries, gummy bears, cookies and more! After shaking the bags, the children had the most beautiful cream dessert! 🍨


The kids had a great time learning about ingredients, measurements and “count”/“non-count” nouns.

We started by pouring vanilla, cream and sugar into a small bag. Next, we placed ice and salt into a lager bag. Finally, we placed the smaller bag into the big bag and shook the bags for 10 minutes!!! We had a dance party during this time. To finish, we added our favorite toppings and enjoyed!!! 

We finished our day with a dance and balloon volleyball! We had so much fun playing in English today. 


A fun and relaxing day speaking English, while enjoying food is the best way to learn!!





🗓 会員様のレッスン振替依頼はこちらのリンクからお問い合わせしてください。⬇︎
